Thursday, 13 December 2007

New issue of Regional Studies Volume: 41 Issue 9

The new issue of the journal 'Regional Studies' (Volume 41 Issue 9) is now available for paid subscribers at the Informaworld's website. This issue contains the following articles:

Editorial: Whither Regional Studies?
Regions and Regional Uneven Development Forever? Some Reflective Comments upon Theory and Practice
Beyond the Territorial Fix: Regional Assemblages, Politics and Power
Territorial, Scalar, Networked, Connected: In What Sense a 'Regional World'?
The Accident of the Region: A Strategic Relational Perspective on the Construction of the Region's Significance
Observational Equivalence? Regional Studies and Regional Science
Power in Firm Networks: What it Means for Regional Innovation Systems
The Polycentric State: New Spaces of Empowerment and Engagement?
What Kind of Local and Regional Development and for Whom?

Access this issue in Informaworld's website.

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