Tuesday 16 October 2007

Bourse Nationale d'Opportunités Artisanales (BNOA)

The Bourse Nationale d'Opportunités Artisanales (BNOA) is a French national virtual marketplace for buyers and sellers of enterprises in the craft industry, which was created by the French Chambers of Trade with the support of the European Social Fund. Many entrepreneurs prefer starting a firm rather than taking over one, despite the obvious advantages of taking over an established firm, such as an existing production structure, a customer network and an established name. At the same time, the chances of survival for transfers are higher than for start-ups. As so, the facilitation of SMEs transfer should be a continuous effort of national and regional policy-makers. The advisers of the chambers of trade network make an evaluation (check-up) of the companies of the sellers. The offers are then disseminated on the national enterprise exchange for craft enterprises BNOA (www.bnoa.net). The advisers of the network organise the first meeting between buyers and sellers, provide support, and accompany the transition phase and follow-up through the transfer process.

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