Monday 15 October 2007

Feed me Better School Dinners

In 2005, British chef Jamie Olivier has launched the Feed me Better School Dinners campaign to ban the junk in school meals and get kids eating fresh, tasty nutritious food instead. The campaign manifesto asked for five things: Guarantee that children receive a proper, nutritionally balanced meal on their plates; Introduce nutritional standards and ban junk food from school meals; Invest in dinner ladies: give them better kitchens more hours and loads of support and training to get them cooking again; Teach kids about food and get cookery back on the curriculum; Commit long-term funding to improve school food. The consequent web petition had, after four weeks, over 270,000 signatures. PM Tony Blair then announced he was taking immediate action to set up a School Food Trust and pledged £280 million to improve school meals. Since then, school meals have to contain a basic level of nutrients and schools are forbidden to sell junk food. A grass-roots campaign with a big impact on pupils health!!

More info on the campaign here.

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